The National Extension College | GCSE Computer Studies |
Return to Work a course for women | |
Return to the Office a course for women | |
ABACUS Business Administration materials for NVQs at Levels 1, 2 and 3 | |
Coca-Cola FrontLine Project: BSc in Management, with Universities of London and Bradford | |
Pre-School Playgroups Association Diploma in Playgroup Practice | |
Customers First NVQ materials for Customer Service | |
Counselling Skills Resource Bank | |
The Listening Manager | |
Understanding Loss and Grief | |
Understanding Trauma | |
Now Hear This! (A course in Deaf Awareness) | |
Management in Context | |
SESAME Diploma in Small Business Management | |
Key Skills Levels 1, 2 and 3 in Communication | |
Impact management training programme for Cadbury Trebor Bassett | |
Research into market needs for Management of Care | |
Caring for Children and Young People | |
MILO - Micro Learning Organisations | |
SESAME II Diploma in Small Business Management | |
Key Skills resources for trainers | |
Work-Based Learning conference papers | |
Electronic Product Development Guidelines |
Progress through open learning Copyright Pilgrim Projects Limited 2003 Last revised: February 14th 2003 |